Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's a new week!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here is what's going on in our class this week:


- the letter "t" and words that begin with the letter "t"

- In handwriting, we are reviewing the letters t, ne, e, th; the words and, an, that, meet, sat; the sentence we are reviewing is "An ant sat on the mat." Test Friday!


- This week, we are reviewing all of the skills we have learned so far. This includes counting to 100 by 2's, 5's, and 10's; tally marks; graphing; and addition/subtraction. Test Friday!

*Language Arts

- We are continuing ABC order. We are also continuing to edit sentences that need correct spelling, puncuation, and capitalization. Test Friday!

*Homework this week:

Monday - Read Well homework
Tueday - Read Well homework; noun and editing sentences worksheet
Wednesday - Read Well homework
Thursday - Read Well homework; math homework
Friday - Read Well homework

*Dates to Remember

October 3 - signed papers come home

October 4 - Lunch with Dads - lunch starts at 11:30!

October 7 - Lunch with Moms - lunch starts at 11:30!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A New Week...

Thank you to everyone who came to the PTSA meeting last Tuesday night! Congratulations to Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Mary's mother, for being voted the new PTSA Secretary for the '08-'09 school year! Here is what is happening this week:

*the "N" sound and words that start with "N"
*In handwriting, we are practicing n, th, m, A, e; the wrds man, send, seen, and, need; and the sentence "We see the sad man." Test Friday!

Language Arts:
*ABC order
*Editing sentences to make them correct

*addition - test Friday!

*Monday - Read Well homework
*Tuesday - Read Well homework; ABC Order worksheet
*Wednesday - Read Well homework
*Thursday - Read Well homework; math homework - addition practice sheet
*Friday - Read Well homework

Don't forget that signed papers go home every Thursday! Please sign them and send them back to school on Friday!

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This week....9/15/08-9/19/08

It's going to be another great week! Happy Birthday to Nijeria Smith! Her birthday is Monday, September 15! Here is some important information for this week:


We are reviewing the "th" sound (as in THE); also we are practicing writing the "th" sound, the letters D, a, e, m; the words the, that, seem, mat, weed, and Sam. We will also be practicing the sentence "Dad sees the seeds." Test Friday!

Language Arts:

We are introducing ABC order this week.


We are continuing to learn how to graph data and use probability.

Homework for the week:

Monday - Read Well homework
Tuesday - Read Well homework; ABC order worksheet
Wednesday - Read Well homework
Thursday - Read Well homework; math graphing sheet
Friday - Read Well homework

Important Dates to Remember:

September 16 - PTSA meeting at 5:30

September 18 - signed papers will come home. Please return them signed on Friday!

I hope everyone has a great week!

Lunch With Dads

A few weeks ago, we had Lunch With Dads at McNeal. We were so excited to see such a great turnout! In a few more weeks, we will have Lunch With Moms. I know we'll have a great turnout for that as well. Here are a few pictures from our Dad's day!

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Meet our class and other important info!

Welcome to our class site! On this site, you will find pictures of us during school activities, everyday activities at school, and working hard. I am so blessed to be a part of not only such a wonderful class, but a wonderful school, McNeal Elementary School. Each week, I will update the and post important information such as homework, different assignments, upcoming important dates, and skills we are learning for the week. Please continue to check it to look at our pictures and read the things I post.

*This week we are learning the following:

Reading/Writing - the letter "D", it's sound, and words that start with "d". In handwriting, we will be practicing writing the letter e (long e), a, D, m, d; the words Sam, dad, mad, seed, am; the sentences "See Dad." and "I am sad." We are having a test Friday!

Math - we are learning about sorting things into different categories and graphing information. Test Friday!

Language Arts - we are talking about proper nouns (nouns that start with a capital letter). Also, please work on putting a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and period at the end.

*Homework for the week:

Monday - Read Well homework
Tuesday - Read Well homework; proper nouns worksheet
Wednesday - Read Well homework
Thursday - Read Well homework, math worksheet - graphing practice
Friday - Read Well homework

*Important Upcoming Dates:

September 8 - progress reports

September 11 - signed papers come home - sign them and return them on Friday!

September 16 - PTSA meeting - 5:30 PM

We have lots of great things going in our classroom and at our school. Here are some pictures of the students working so hard!

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